Monday, September 24, 2007

35 Weeks Pregnant

Hohoho...i'm 35 weeks pregnant now..gaining weight every month, now i'm almost 60 kg! no picture of me..just imagine yourself..hihihihi...Can't wait for the baby to born. Still working at office, still manage to take projects..I hope i can give birth without c section. From the USG monitor, it might be a baby girl inside of me. It really likes to "kick" a lot, doctor said it means the baby is healthy. Now it's a little bit hard for me to do "shalat" standing. My feet are if i have "kaki gajah" disease..:(..

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

24th July, 10.45 Ronnie's big family arrived at Cilandak. They came to meet my big family, and we're also engaged..:D.. The event were quite success, we all put happy faces...At first I was a little bit tense, hoping all will go smoothly..It turns out everything were fine! Thanks to Om Ade and Teh Lia as Master of Ceremony that day,..Rufi and Renny for decoration..It looks lovely!Sharin for decorating the chairs, Rachmat for coordinating chairs and sound system, Mamaa for taking care of catering and Papa for his warm welcoming to Ronnie's family..Hope this first step to a bigger event can make good start..:)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

House in Cilaki

At last..our house project in Cilaki, Bandung, is finished and already occupied. The owner of the house is Rufi's sister *Rufi is my brother in law , she and her husband really give us freedom to design, so we pick a Tropical Modern style for this house. The site is on a high ground in that area, and on a dead end road. So I thought the house will have good view. Overall area of site is app. 1 hectare, building area is app. 500 m2 and we divide the house into three zones : Foyer and entry hall ( gallery ) as a semi private zone, Main house as private zone, and Service zone. Those three zones are united by an inner court. Every room also surrounded by green area, so the air circulation is quite good. On the side of the house is placed a swimming pool, and we make the pool area like in a we can have garden party there..Here are some pictures of the house..Enjoy!

Friday, March 17, 2006

This Year's Birthday

I'm 28 years old view years ago i imagined my self in this age i would have 2 cute children, reality i'm not even married ( hopefully not by the end of this year ;) ), still living with my parents, don't have my own car...buuuutt...i'm very greatful that i still have my parents, my brother and sisters that are happy and healthy, i'm greatful for having a nice man as my boyfriend, i'm greatful for doing my work i like, i'm greatful for having such nice friends who always comfort me..

This early morning i woke up with big expectation, still waiting for my present, hehe..but i woke up earlier than others!..after i went to the bathroom i walked back to my room..and then..SUPRISE!! my room filled with my family!hihihi..that was Sharin *my youngest sister idea..One thing that make me happy is that Ronnie's birthday present was also among the presents my family gave. And of course, he always has a way to put a trick on me!
I got a PHILIPS dvd player that i always wanted, it's white and small and so compact..very cute! hehe..very me...Blah! wish are..God always be with me, give me health and happiness, and people surround me who always care for me..Love u God..

Monday, February 27, 2006

14 Februari 2006

Pagi itu semua cewe di kantor memakai baju pink, kita iseng aja memeriahkan Valentine's Day..walaupun sebagian dari kita sebenarnya si ga merayakan yaa..Tiba-tiba jam 09.30 dari lift keluar seorang bapak2 sambil bawa sebuket bunga mawar merah yang cantiik banget..dalam hati..wah..untuk siapa ya? i wish i could get one of mengingat pacar yang isengnya ga ada yang ngalahin jadi terpikir, ga mungkiiiiin dia bisa se-romantis itu. Eeeeehhh..pas lagi gw berkhayal sendiri, tiba-tiba anak-anak depan teriak.."Shaaann...niih..bunga niih..dari Ronnie!". Waduhh!ga mungkin deeehh..bukan gw! Tapi kok masih pada manggil-manggil ya? Malahan sampe si Bapak pengirim bunganya juga manggil2 gw..Setelah gw tersadar kalau anak-anak ga ada yang bercanda akhirnya gw ke depan dan menerima bunga itu dari si Bapak..Muka gw langsung meeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrraaaah...selain karena gw memang sedang pakai obat muka ya..

Setelah kata-kata " ciee " keluar dari mulut anak-anak gw duduk lagi, sambil memandangi..sebenernya tertegun, melihat buket mawar itu..di kartunya tertulis " Now you know why i didn't call you last night..Happy Valentine's Day Ayang..Love, Ronnie ". Laaangsung gw buzz Ronnie di YM..dia pasang icon nyengir2..Ternyata benar dia dan ide gilanya. Gw sampe berpikir, di balik romantisnya acara kirim bunga tadi, sepertinya dia juga puas udah bikin gw tertipu dengan trik2nya dia tadi malam. Yup, dia beli bunga itu malam sebelumnya, setelah kita puas makan kepiting dia anter gw pulang ke rumah dan pura-pura ngantuk, jadi dia buru-buru pulang. Tapiii..setelah dari rumah gw dia balik ke rumah Yongki *temennya yang ikut makan kepiting bareng trus dianterin pulang duluan karena gw ga mau dianter duluan :P dan mereka meluncur ke Barito..Dan pas gw telepon ga lama setelah dia cabut dari rumah gw dia bilang.." Iya ni yang aku blumnyampe rumah, macet di fatmawati..( masaaa??? ) "..Hihihi...dasar..

Tapi...itu salah satu hal terindah yang pernah dia lakukan untuk gw, Maklumlah, gw belum pernah dikirimin bunga sama cowo..hehe..jadi malu..

Well, thank you Yang..For making my heart fill with flowers...:)

Friday, November 11, 2005

My Trip 2 HK n Sing

Me and Mba Lia in a Chinese Temple at S'pore..Look at our pose...cuhuuuuiiii...Me and the DesignInc gang went to S'pore and HK for a study tour..the funny thing was when Warren *my boss* asked me if I want to come along I thought he was asking me to do karaoke! coz in my sms he wrote.."Would u like to go to sing n hk.."..kikikikiikk..Silly me...Pak Harto *Warren's driver* laughed for weeks everytime he met me..

Just To Remember

Hmm...time really goes by..adding this poem just to refresh my memory how sweet we were..hope it will last forever..

saat kita mulai goreskan pena
mencoba menulis cerita
tentang dua hati yang berjalan bersama
menempuh waktu dan tetapkan tujuan

kerap tersirat keraguan
akankah kisah kita mampu
menembus hingga akhir zaman
hingga tak ada kisah lain lagi
yang melanjutkan perjalanan kita

bukan ingin membawamu bermimpi
ataupun meragukan yang ada saat ini
hanya menyadari kenyataan
di dunia ini tak ada yang abadi

semoga kita dapat goreskan pena bersama
sampai kuasa-Nya memisahkan kita...

Happy 1 Month Anniversary sayang...

Thursday, March 31, 2005

17 March 2005

i wish i could look through you
i'm on the outside looking in
try to look inside you

try to see the true you
but i can't

i wish i'm the one you're missing
the one you'll be glad to talk to
you'll be glad to be with
you'll be glad to hug
but i'm no-one

i wish i can read you
makes you easier to learn
what you need, what you really need
what you want, what you really want
but i'm too dumb

i wish i don't love you
don't care anything about you
don't think anything about you
don't do anything for you
but i do, i really do

i wish you were a dream
a dream that will washed away when i wake up
a dream that i'll be forgotten tomorrow
but you're so real
it's me the one who's dreaming